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Every few years, Ford would introduce a new generation of trucks with slight changes to the body style.

1980 - 1986: The 7th generation of Ford trucks. It is called the Bullnose. Likely because the top of the nose sticks out slightly further than the bottom, like a bull's nose.

1987 - 1991: The 8th generation of Ford trucks. It is called the Bricknose. Because well,... no one knows for sure but it seems to fit.

1992 - 1996: The 9th generation of Ford trucks. Originally called the Aeronose because of some slight aerodynamic changes to the front.

84 bullnose.jpg
1984 Bullnose.jpg
1991 Bricknose.jpg
1989 Brick Nose.jpg
1995 Aero Nose.jpg

All 3 of these generations look very similar and many people would dub them all as OBS (Old Body Style) but the term actually applies to the 9th generation vehicles. This is mostly due to the fact that in 1997 you could buy either of 2 different versions - The Old Body Style or the New Body Style (this mostly applied to the F250).

1994 Aero Nose.jpg
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